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Fingerprint Instructions


Pursuant to 24-34-303 (1)(f); 24-34-304 C.R.S. and Colorado POST Rule 14 – Fingerprint Based Criminal History Record Check, in order to enroll in any POST approved peace officer training program, or to be permitted to take the POST certification examination, all applicants must submit fingerprints. This includes all academy applicants, renewal applicants, and provisional applicants. Results are carefully reviewed to ensure appropriate eligibility.

Per § 24-31-305(1.5)(a) (2005), the POST Board shall deny certification to any person who has been convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors after July 1, 2001 that are listed in § 24-31-305(1.5)(b) through (h) (2005), including entering into a deferred prosecution or pretrial diversion agreement, deferred judgment and sentencing agreement and deferred sentencing agreement; whether pending or successfully completed. Juvenile adjudications/record are not considered a "conviction" unless filed in adult court. More information on Disqualifying Incidents here.

There are three options for submitting fingerprints:

1. Use a CABS vendor to Submit Digital Fingerprints


2. Use a law enforcement agency and use a physical POST fingerprint card. Fingerprint Cards are only available for out of state applicants who are unable to utilize option 1


3. Agencies may use LiveScan to submit fingerprints. Please see the instructions in the box to the right. Only agencies with a billing account set up through CBI to fingerprint POST Applicants may use this method.

The national criminal history record check generally takes approximately 2-3 weeks to complete when submitted via fingerprint card; however, it generally takes up to 72 hours when done electronically.

LiveScan Instructions for Agencies

Only agencies set up through CBI with a P.O.S.T. account will be able to successfully submit prints.

If your agency is already set up with the appropriate account, click to Download the POST LiveScan Instructions

If your agency needs to apply for a CBI / P.O.S.T. account, click to Download the CBI Fingerprint Application Forms (includes W9, NCJA User Agreement, and the Statement of Assurance).



If you need assistance, please contact the P.O.S.T. Compliance Coordinator at

Frequently Asked Questions 

POST needs fingerprints for every person seeking certification, even if they have already been fingerprinted by their agency or another entity. POST only receives the returns if you follow the instructions on this page. We need initial results, as well as future notification of any arrest. That will only happen if you get fingerprinted using our special code. The code ensures your fingerprints are connected to POST as long as you remain certified. That code is different if you use a fingerprint card, or a CABS vendor, or LiveScan.

Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) Procedure (PREFERRED)

1. Register online at one of the following vendor sites and set an appointment for fingerprinting.

  1. Idemia (dba IdentoGo) or call 844-539-5539. Applicants will use this service code as the first step to register and set their appointment: Peace Officer Standards and Training – POST Board Service code: 25YH81
  2. Colorado Fingerprinting or call 720-292-2722. Applicants will create an account, use the following code, and schedule an appointment. Peace Officer Standards and Training – POST Board Service code: 1995POSI

2. Provide payment via credit/debit card for the fingerprinting fee of $10.00, and CBI’s processing fee of $54.00. After payment, the applicant will receive an “Order ID” used to identify the applicant at his/her appointment.

3. The applicant will provide a photo ID and the Order ID at the time of appointment.

4. Live scan prints, a digital photo of the individual, and a digital signature will be submitted to CBI.

If there is no vendor location in the out-of-state applicant’s state of residence, the applicant should order a physical fingerprint card from Colorado POST, and submit the fingerprint card to CBI, following instructions provided with the card.

Fingerprint Card Procedure (out-of-state applicants ONLY) 

  1. Go online to to order a fingerprint card through our online payment portal.
    1. Fingerprint cards are $5.00
    2. Be sure to include your full mailing address in your order notes so POST can send your card quickly
  2. Take POST fingerprint card to a law enforcement agency to roll your fingerprints. The law enforcement agency will roll the applicant’s fingerprints and charge any required fee for the process to the applicant.
  3. The applicant will mail the completed fingerprint card to CBI, accompanied by a certified check or money order, made out to CBI in the amount of $39.50 (CBI does not accept personal checks).
  4. Send completed cards to:

    Colorado Bureau of Investigation
    Attention: Fingerprint Identification
    690 Kipling, Suite 3000
    Denver, CO 80215

    **PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE CHECK OUT TO POST OR SEND THE FINGERPRINT CARD TO POST as it will significantly delay the process. **

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