The Colorado Peace Officers Standards and Training Board has openings for Board members and is encouraging interested parties to submit applications (online) for consideration.The term for a POST Board Member is three years, with an opportunity for reappointment for one additional term.The deadline for applications is May 29th.
Openings are as follows:
- 1 Local Government Representative
- 2 Police Chiefs
- 1 Active Peace Officer with a rank of Sergeant or below
The Colorado POST Board is a vital presence in the Colorado law enforcement community with a long history of commitment to peace officers and to the communities they serve.We hope you might consider serving as a POST Board Member and/or that you'll forward this to any qualified applicant you feel may be interested in the open positions.
Information regarding the duties and powers of the POST Board are available in the Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 24-31-303.The POST Manual is also available on the POST website, here.
Please complete and submit your application on the Colorado Boards and Commissions website:
Thank you for your assistance in filling these Board member positions.Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Alex Martinez
Administrative Coordinator, CO POST